Interesting Articles 2024

Presidential puppy: Vladimir Putin presents a Yorkshire Terrier to a schoolgirl

A school student in the Moscow region received a living gift from the hands of Vladimir Putin. A 12-year-old schoolgirl, whose name is Zlata Kislitsina, recently wrote a letter to the President of Russia, in which she described her old dream: a puppy of the Yorkshire Terrier breed. “Vladimir Vladimirovich,” the girl writes, “I know that you never refuse to ask children to donate animals.

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Androctonus (Androctonus) - one of the poisonous scorpions

There are a lot of plants, animals or insects on our planet that can cause fatal harm to humans. For example, among 25 other species of scorpions with a strong poison, the most poisonous is the thick-tailed black scorpion - androctonus. Androctonus (Androctonus). Habitat of androctonus This species of aggressive arachnid scorpions is common in the Middle East and northern Africa.

Ceratosaurus or Horned Raptor

Ceratosaurs existed on the planet in the late Jurassic period. On the nose were sharp and strong horns. It was because of the horn of predators that they called "ceratosaurs", which translates as "horned lizards." Ceratosaurs reached large sizes, in length they grew to 6 meters, while the mass could reach up to a ton.


Domain: Eukaryotes Kingdom: Animals Subdomain: Eumetazoi Without rank: Two-sided symmetrical Without rank: Second type: Chordate Subtype: Vertebrate Infratype: Maxillary Supraclass: Four-legged Class: Birds Subclass: Real birds Infraclass: New-lagoon Groom: Squint: Species: Loon The inhabitant of the cold seas, Loon is not only a bird perfectly adapted to the extremely harsh climate conditions, but also an unusually beautiful creature that stands out from its relatives.

What to feed rabbits

Rabbits have a very well-developed digestive system, which is due to the nutritional characteristics of such an animal. The basis of the diet, as a rule, is represented by roughage, very rich in fiber, so the digestion of such heavy food needs a full processing of gastric juices.

Glaucus - nudibranch clam

The nudibranch clam glaucus, also called glaucus, is similar in appearance to an attractive handmade brooch. Glaucus is the closest relative of snails, but he does not sink to the seabed. The mollusk moves in a rather interesting way: it swallows a bubble of air, which raises it to the surface of the water and warms its belly in the sun.

Danio leopard

Danio leopard (Latin Danio rerio sp.) Is a color variation of danio rerio, derived artificially. Unlike rerio, the leopard is covered with dots, not stripes and a little different in color. The veil form, that is, the leopard zebrafish with long, veil fins, is also common. But, whatever form you would choose for yourself, in content it is one and the same fish: simple, unpretentious, interesting in behavior.

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Domain: Eukaryotes Kingdom: Animals Subdomain: Eumetazoi Without rank: Bilaterally symmetrical Without rank: Second-winged Type: Chordate Subtype: Vertebrate Infratype: Maxillary Supraclass: Four-legged Class: Mammals Subclass: Beasts Infraclass: Placental Squad of Squad: Squadron: Squad: Squad: : Kunya Subfamily: Kunya itself Genus: Marten Species: Marten Marten is a predatory mammal of medium height, with a beautiful body and large tail.

Trakenen horse. Description, features, care and price of the Trakenen horse

Features and habitat of the Trakenen horse The Trakenen horse was bred in the 18th century in East Prussia. It got its name from the first stud farm, where Trakenen was bred. This breed is the only one that did not mix with others. It is ideal for horse riding. Previously, the horse was widely used in cavalry, now it has found application in equestrian sport.

Japanese chin dog. Description, features, types, care and price of the breed

Studying ancient dogs is a difficult task. It should be based on knowledge and experience, but they are not always there. Japanese chin is an old breed with thousands of fans. Outwardly, it resembles an ordinary Pekingese, many even call the dog its second version. Do they have consanguinity? In fact, the origin of each of these two breeds does not subside to this day.

Sable animal. Sable lifestyle and habitat

A beautiful, mammalian animal from the family of marten sable. He is the national pride of Russia. For a long time and up to now, lovers of all the beautiful have been delighted with it. This is one of the main components of the fur industry in Russia. Before the October Revolution, the animal was almost exterminated.

Chinese muzzle - snub snake photo

The Chinese muzzle (Deinagkistrodon acutus) belongs to the squamous order. The spread of Chinese muzzle. Chinese muzzle spreads in southeastern China in the provinces of Anhui, Chekiang, Fukien, Hunan, Hupeh, Kiangsi, Kwangsi, Kwantun, on the outskirts of Southeast Sichuan, and possibly in Yunnan.

A huge sponge was discovered at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean

According to information provided by SpringerLink, during a scientific expedition that resembled the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, scientists were able to discover a sea sponge of enormous size. According to oceanologists, its dimensions approximately correspond to the dimensions of a passenger car. The height is about two meters, and the length is three and a half.

Eaton's Wood Duck

Eaton's tree duck or pink-footed wood duck, or yellow-legged wood duck - a species of birds of the duck family, anseriformes. She is a Plumed duck or a Feathered Tree Duck. External signs of the Eaton tree duck The Eaton tree duck is distinguished by a dense physique, short neck, strong long legs with well-developed membranes.

Pillars Preserve: the splendor of Siberian nature

In the southwestern side of the Krasnoyarsk Territory there is an amazing creation of Mother Nature: the Pillars Nature Reserve is a special place, a real miracle of Siberia. Founded in 1925, the reserve protects the natural mountain complexes of rock massifs in the tract "Pillars". On the territory of 47 thousand hectares of pristine taiga covering the territory of the reserve, picturesque cliffs and cliffs are rising into the sky, representing passages from the bowels of the granite-syenite remains, special pinkish-brown crystalline rocks.

Calcivirosis in cats

If you are the owner of such a cute, fluffy creature like a cat, or are just going to become one, it will not be out of place to get acquainted with the possible risks. It is important to understand not only the intricacies of caring for the animal, the conditions of its maintenance, but also with possible ailments. In this article we will talk about the most common viral disease of cats - calcivirosis.

Climatic zone of Brazil

The climatic conditions of Brazil are less uniform. The country lies in the equatorial, subtropical and tropical zones. The country is constantly hot and humid; almost no seasonal changes are observed. The climatic conditions were influenced by a combination of mountains and plains, as well as other natural features of the area.

Common beetle

The white beetle (Pernis apivorus) belongs to the order Falconiformes. External signs of the common beetle The common beetle is a small bird of prey with a body size of 60 cm and wingspan: 118 to 150 cm. Its weight is 360 - 1050 g. Common beetle (Pernis apivorus) The plumage of the common beetle is extremely variable.

Crocodile discovered in the Far East

A mysterious and unusual event occurred in the Far Eastern territories of our vast Motherland. Residents of a small village located on the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, who probably hunted the most natural occupation in these parts - fishing, walking along the shore stumbled upon the remains of an unknown animal.